
Showing posts from March, 2018

Books, Easter Eggs & Newspapers

This morning we read a bunch of books we worked on some Easter Egg crafts we danced with Ms Deirdre we had some table top centers we went to the library for our gross motor have a great break...

Our Balls Paintings, Counting Calisthenics & Letter Jj

We examined some of our art work from yesterday we participated in some counting calisthenics  Mr Etan fixed our soap dispenser  we had some more ball books available we worked on our letters we weighed balls of different sizes and densities  the library has become a writing and art center Jj's were a craft today some of our read alouds our balls paintings Have a good nigt

Book Fairs, Magnets & Balances

this morning we discussed if we can roll a pancake like a ball we read our mini books we had our centers at art we worked on ball paintings Mr Yack focused on counting and patterns Cameron made "glasses" we had a book fair... we discussed weight and balancing  we used our magnets night all...